Are you thinking about selling cards on eBay? Well I have some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your auctions!
Now as most of you know, eBay takes around 9% of what you sell your item for. This might not seem like much, but it can become a hefty sum if you are selling high priced cards. In order to avoid losing a lot of money to eBay, raise your shipping prices and lower the starting bid to .99 cents. I'll give you an example:
Say you want to sell your Brionac and will probably get around $30 for it on a regular auction. Well, instead of charging $2-3 shipping, charge $28 shipping and then set the biding at 99 cents. so say it sells for $2 with $28 shipping. eBay will take the 9% only from the $2. They do not account the shipping costs into their %!!!! So instead of losing $2.70 in eBay charges, you only lose $0.18! That sounds a lot better don't you think? Now this tactic does reduce the chance of people actually buying your item just because a high shipping charge doesnt attract buyers, but it is worth the money you save. So, next time you sell a card on eBay, try this little trick!
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